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2nd Wedding Anniversary Gifts: 50 Anniversary Gift Ideas

Sophia Shafiee
Last updated: 15th Apr 2024

Every anniversary you and your partner spend together is a cause for celebration. You may have celebrated your first wedding anniversary and done something extra special – it was your first anniversary of many, after all. But, your second anniversary is just as fabulous as the two of you continue to fall deeper in love and carve out your lives together. So, we think your second anniversary should be treated with just as much prestige as other momentous anniversaries!

When it comes to celebrating your second anniversary, you might have your eye on the perfect gift to give your other half. But, there are traditional and modern gifts you might want to give that are filled with symbolism and special meaning, along with a traditional flower and gemstone. That means, if you’d love to give your love an anniversary gift that has a little history behind it, you can. Or, you can give them that one thing you already have your eye on – there’s no right or wrong option.

If you’re looking for an extra special gift to give your partner to mark your second anniversary, but you’re not quite sure what to give them, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we’re going to explore the different gifts you could consider and what they represent, to take your gift-giving to the next level.

For more information about all the different anniversaries you and your partner will share and the gifts you can give them, read our complete year-by-year wedding anniversary gift guide.

What are traditional and modern gifts for a 2nd wedding anniversary?

The traditional and modern 2nd wedding anniversary gifts

Since the early 20th century, there have been traditional and modern gifts which many couples like to give each other to celebrate their 2nd anniversary. There’s also a traditional flower and gemstone that have wonderful meaning behind them.

Traditional 2nd anniversary gift – Cotton

Cotton is a natural fibre that grows in huge open fields. It’s a really delicate plant that can be carried away with a light breeze. But, once it’s been picked and processed this delicate plant becomes incredibly strong and durable – as strong and durable as your marriage. And it gives you a brilliant amount of creativity to come up with a unique present that your loved one will adore.

Modern 2nd anniversary gift – China

By today’s standards, china probably feels a little outdated. But, china is associated with quality and luxury. It’s also precious and fragile, so has to be looked after and maintained – a lot like a marriage. China is another gift that’s open to interpretation and gives you a chance to have fun with your gift-giving.

2nd anniversary gemstone – Garnet

Garnet is a lovely gemstone that’s frequently seen in deep shades of red, but can also come in orange, brown, green and even black. It symbolises trust and friendship, which is a beautiful way to encapsulate your relationship with your partner. Garnet isn’t always a first-choice stone for use in jewellery and accessories, but it’s very versatile, not to mention striking.

2nd anniversary flower – Lily of the valley

Lily of the valley is an incredibly dainty little flower that looks a lot like a cluster of tiny bells. They’re beautiful when grown outside, but also make for great bursts of green peppered with white as part of a bouquet. They symbolise purity and youth, which you and your other half no doubt have in spades!

It’s important to note that lily of the valley is toxic to cats and dogs, so if you have a furry friend at home then you should think of an alternative. Thankfully, we have plenty of suggestions for you below.

How do you choose a gift for a 2nd wedding anniversary?

You know your partner better than anyone, but you’ll only have one 2nd wedding anniversary, so how on earth are you supposed to choose the perfect gift? You could get them a few things, but then that’s likely to get expensive. Have a think about what your partner would really love which would stand out above other times you might give them gifts, like on their birthday or Christmas. Consider these points when choosing the ideal gift:

  • Should you follow anniversary traditions? The traditional and modern gifts aren’t set in stone, so make sure they fit with what you and your partner might be expecting.
  • Have you set your maximum budget? You might want to really spoil your partner, but you should set a budget and stick to it. This will likely influence what you can give them.
  • How personal do you want the gift to be? Something off-the-shelf can be fantastic, but personalisations elevate a gift and make them even more special. 
  • What does your partner love? Cotton or china gifts might not be something your partner would appreciate, and if so is there something else they might prefer?

If you’re someone giving a 2nd anniversary gift to a friend or family member, you can also interpret these rules how you see fit. There’s nothing wrong with joining in on the traditions and giving someone something linked to cotton or china to help them celebrate their big day.

50 ideas for a 2nd wedding anniversary gift

If you want to give your partner a 2nd anniversary gift steeped in meaning, but have no idea where to start, we’ve put together a list of 50 ideas to help get you started. That way, you can find the perfect gift and show your love that you’re super romantic and thoughtful.

10 traditional gifts for a 2nd wedding anniversary

The traditional 2nd anniversary gift is cotton, so to give you a bit of inspiration here are 10 cotton-themed gifts you can give to your loved one.

1. Personalised cotton bath towels

Never argue about who’s using the wrong towel again, with personalised bath towels! Good towels are hard to come by, but cotton towels with your names embroidered on them are as soft as they are thoughtful. You can pick up some lovely towels in a wide variety of colours from Not on the High Street.

2. Personalised dressing gown

Is there anything more relaxing than spending the day in your dressing gown? And relaxing is what anniversaries are all about. A personalised dressing gown is completely on-board with the cotton theme, with the added bonus of being completely unique to them. There’s a lovely selection of robes at The Fine Cotton Company which can be personalised with an embroidered name.

3. Personalised love knot cushion

Keeping the personalisation theme going, a cushion is a nice subtle way to bring a bit of you to your home furnishings. A love knot cushion from Not on the High Street can be personalised to include your names and the date you got married, and is available in different sizes and colours.

4. Bedsheets from the hotel where you spent your first night together

Contact the hotel where you and your partner spent your first night together as a married couple and ask them where they get their bedsheets from. Then, you can see if you can get hold of the exact same sheets so you can have that honeymoon feeling every time you get in bed. They’ll probably be from a wholesaler, but with a bit of charm, you might be able to place a one-off order with them if you explain what you’re hoping to do.

5. Cotton flowers

For a subtle but beautiful cotton gift, a handmade cotton flower is something your partner can always keep to remind them of your anniversary. They’re delicate but stunning and will last a lifetime.

6. A comfy pair of socks

Socks might not be glamorous, but they’re comfortable and practical. A lot of decent socks also happen to be cotton, and there are tons of options out there. Check out Nordic Socks for some of the snuggliest socks you’ve ever seen.

7. Song lyrics cotton canvas

If you and your partner are into music, you could give them a cotton record that features their favourite song lyrics, or maybe even the lyrics from your first dance. Take a look at Blim and Blum to see how unique and cool they are.

8. A cotton bracelet

Cotton isn’t usually associated with jewellery, but it actually makes for a touching accessory that your partner is bound to love. Not only is it a gift from you on your anniversary, but it also has deep and poignant meaning. There are expert craftspeople on Etsy who produce lovely cotton bracelets.

9. Egyptian cotton candle 

Candles are a surefire way to help build a romantic atmosphere on your anniversary, and why not do that with an on-theme Egyptian cotton-scented candle? Not only that, but the Egyptian cotton candles by Shearer Candles have a slight aroma of carnation, which calls back to your first anniversary flower last year.

10. A nice shirt

You really can’t go wrong by getting your partner a nice shirt that they can wear, either on an average day or to crack out on special occasions. And if you give it to them early in the day then they can always wear it in the evening if you decide to go out for a romantic meal or similar. Cotton Traders has loads of high-quality cotton shirts to choose from.

10 modern gifts for a 2nd wedding anniversary

If cotton’s not to your liking, the modern choice for a 2nd anniversary gift is china. Okay, perhaps china isn’t as modern as it was a hundred years ago, but it’s still a lovely gift that can be interpreted in lots of different ways. So, here are 10 china-themed gifts to give you some ideas.

1. A fancy china tea set

One of the most obvious china gifts you can give your partner is a fancy china tea set, especially if they enjoy a nice hot cuppa. There’s also a massive amount of choice available, from expensive bone china to sets that are a little (and a lot) more affordable. You can go quirky or posh or something for everyday use – the choice is yours.

2. A china rose

China is a hard gift to give someone, but you can surprise your partner with a little creative thinking. So, think outside the box and give your partner a handmade china rose, which is delicate and beautiful. And, if you get one through Not on the High Street, you can even personalise the petals with a message so your partner will always be reminded of your special day.

3. Some fine china

If your bowls and plates are in need of an upgrade, you could give your partner a lovely new set from a prestigious name, like Royal Copenhagen. China can be rather pricey, though, so it might not be a set you want to use every day – just for special occasions or whenever the mother-in-law pops around for tea.

4. A delicious Chinese meal

Remember, you’re free to interpret china however you like, so you could treat your other half to a delicious Chinese meal. Whether you spend the evening cooking a meal together, you snuggle under the duvet with a takeaway, or you get dolled up to visit a nice restaurant, just make sure you enjoy yourselves!

5. A delicate figurine

China can be used to create beautiful figurines which look amazing on a shelf or in a cabinet. These come in loads of of different styles from various artists and makers. You could choose something unique to your partner’s interests, or something that represents the love the two of you share. For example, The China Shop has a cute figurine that’s simply but appropriately named The Perfect Day.

6. Mr and Mrs mugs

You really can’t go wrong by giving your partner a mug. China mugs are delicate but feel special, and there are so many different options out there that you’ll be spoilt for choice. To keep things solely focused on you, you could even have them personalised, like a pair of espresso mugs from Susan Rose China.

7. An adorable trinket dish 

Whether your partner needs somewhere to keep their keys, their rings and other jewellery, or little bits that usually go amiss right when they need them, a trinket dish is always useful to have around. And a trinket dish from Becky Broome can be personalised to make it extra special.

8. A snack box from China

Another one that stretches the rules, but it’s your anniversary so do whatever you think will make your partner happy! And we bet that a box full of tasty snacks from China will be a fun and unique way to enjoy some treats on your anniversary.

9. A tealight dome

Fill your home with a warming glow cast by a tealight dome. They make for elegant and sweet little decorative items with the bonus of looking beautiful, especially when the sun starts to go down. Check out Nantucket Gifts for a great (and affordable) selection of tealight domes.

10. A china clock

Another brilliant use for china is as the face of a clock, which is surprisingly affordable and can be decorated with simple but effective designs. Thanks to the simplicity it’ll also look good wherever you choose to hang it. Susan Rose China has plenty you can choose from.

5 affordable gifts for a 2nd wedding anniversary

If you’re looking to give your partner a gift on your 2nd anniversary but only have a small budget to play with, then that doesn’t mean you can’t get them something thoughtful and on-theme. Here are five affordable gifts you can give your love to mark your 2nd anniversary.

1. Cotton candy

Why not give a gift that totally fits with the traditional second anniversary theme but at the same time is totally unexpected and affordable? Cotton candy is tasty, sweet and a cute token gift that still has a ton of meaning behind it. Sweet shops like So Sweet Shop have a bunch of different cotton candy treats to choose from.

2. Plain socks

A decent pair of cotton socks don’t need to break the bank. They’re a handy little gift that will always be put to good use. A lot of high street retailers sell multipacks of socks for next to nothing for the perfect practical present.

3. Cute mouse decoration 

Not all second anniversary ornaments have to be pricey. Rather than thinking china, why not think cotton instead, with a cute mouse sat on top of a cotton reel ornament? It’s adorable and fits the traditional theme, as well as being super affordable.

4. Moisture gloves

Okay, hear us out. Cotton moisture gloves might seem like a random gift, but it’s just the prelude to a larger gift you could give to your partner, in the form of a romantic pamper evening. Use them as part of a personal pamper party by spending the evening exfoliating, moisturising and relaxing in face masks.

5. Cotton bag

If you’re really not sure what to give your partner that fits with the traditional theme, why not pick up a cotton bag and fill it with goodies, like snacks, games and other treats? That way, you’re giving your partner something you know they’ll love while still including a little touch of tradition.

5 DIY gifts for a 2nd wedding anniversary

A DIY gift shows that you really care and put thought into your gift, because it takes a little more effort than popping to the shops or ordering something online (which is totally fine too!). But, you probably have a lot on so might struggle to find the time. Thankfully, not all DIY gifts have to take ages to make. So, here are five DIY 2nd anniversary gift ideas to get those creative juices flowing.

1. Grow your own cotton

You’ll have to start early for this one, but if you have a greenhouse or similar you can grow your own cotton plant here in the UK. Cotton seeds are very cheap, and given the right environment, can flourish. Then, right before your anniversary, you can pick them, arrange them in a vase and present them to your love.

2. Cotton bunting

Cotton is a brilliant material to make bunting from, whether from old t-shirts you don’t wear anymore or sheets you can pick up from a craft shop. But, the more personal you can make it the better, and it’ll look great hung up as you celebrate your big day. There are video tutorials on how to make bunting which can help you get started.

3. Cotton flowers

If you have some cotton wool, potpourri, thread and a glue gun, you have everything you need to make some super cute DIY cotton flowers! You don’t need any experience to make them, and your partner will love the effort you put into them. Check out this easy-to-follow video tutorial on how to make cotton flowers for instructions.

4. Some personalised embroidery

Embroidery is a really rewarding hobby because you can produce an unlimited number of incredible designs, so why not have a go at embroidering something that’s associated with something your partner loves? If you’re not sure where to start, you can pick up embroidery kits that include everything you need.

5. Cotton handkerchiefs

If you have some old cotton offcuts or a t-shirt you no longer wear, why not have a go at turning them into handkerchiefs? That way, your partner will have something lovingly handmade by you that’s already close to them, with the added bonus of being useful! Tiny Trash Can has simple instructions you can follow that don’t require any sewing.

5 experience or activity gifts for a 2nd wedding anniversary

One of the most exciting ways to spend your anniversary is taking part in an activity or experience. But what experiences can you do that tie into your 2nd anniversary? Here are five suggestions for cotton and china-related activities.

1. World of Wedgewood factory tour

Stoke-on-Trent is famous for its history of pottery making, and there are plenty of factories in the area that still operate today. And thankfully, some of them offer factory tours so you can see how they make such beautiful pottery and china. If you’re not far from Stoke-on-Trent, why not treat your partner to a tour, like at the world-famous Wedgewood factory, where they’ll teach you all about this fascinating industry?

2. A relaxing spa day

This one slightly bends the rules but it still counts, because you’ll most likely be sitting around relaxing all day while wearing comfy cotton dressing gowns! A spa day is a wonderful way to hang out with the love of your life, enjoy some tasty food and unwind. Champneys has a selection of spa day options at their locations across the UK.

3. A Scream movie night in

For an affordable and snuggly but perhaps scary night in, why not sit down to enjoy a Scream movie marathon with a takeaway? This one’s a bit of a stretch, but one of the characters (played by Liev Schreiber) is named Cotton, so we think it totally counts! 

4. Sock creature kit

Couples who craft together, stay together. That’s not an official saying, but there’s no doubt that crafting is a cute way to spend time. And to link it to your second anniversary, Not on the High Street offers make-your-own sock animal kits.

5. Pottery painting 

Continuing the craft theme, why not spend an afternoon painting pottery together? Places like Social Pottery won’t let you paint fine china, but you could have a go at painting anything from a money box to a garden ornament. They then fire it for you in a kiln and you can collect your masterpiece a few days later.

10 2nd anniversary gifts that contain garnet

Garnet is a gorgeous gemstone that’s usually a deep shade of red but can also come in a range of different colours.  That means it’s super versatile and fits with loads of different types of jewellery, whether it’s classic silver, gold, platinum or anything else your partner might love. Here are 10 suggestions for jewellery you can consider that’s set with garnet:

  1. Earrings
  2. Cufflinks
  3. A ring
  4. A necklace
  5. A broach
  6. A locket
  7. A bracelet
  8. An anklet
  9. A nose stud
  10. Belly button ring

Plenty of high street jewellers will have a selection of jewellery pieces and accessories that are set with garnet, so next time you’re in town have a browse to see what they have. You can also check out the range of wedding jewellers we work with here at Bridebook, as they have lots of beautiful options.

5 floral gifts for a 2nd wedding anniversary

The traditional 2nd anniversary flower is lily of the valley, an incredibly delicate and dainty flower that symbolises purity and youth. Here are five ideas for second anniversary floral gifts closely linked to lily of the valley.

1. A lily of the valley bouquet

Nothing’s going to be quite as stunning as a lily of the valley bouquet, a really stunning arrangement with bold greens and pops of white. Just remember to find an alternative if you have pets at home as they can be toxic to cats and dogs.

2. Lily of the valley sculpture

For something a little more pet-friendly but still just as beautiful, a lily of the valley sculpture from David Shuttle is every bit as elegant as the real thing. And the best thing is it’ll never wilt so you’ll always have something to remember your anniversary by.

3. Lily of the valley gift and soap box

Lily of the valley has a delicate sweet scent that lends itself perfectly to soap and other body and soap products. So, a lily of the valley hand and body gift box smells amazing and is also a brilliant way to treat your partner on your anniversary. 

4. Lily of the valley brooch

Lily of the valley is such an eye-catching flower that it deserves to be shown off as much as possible, and a lily of the valley brooch is the perfect way to do that. It captures the elegance of this plant brilliantly!

5. Lily of the valley night light 

How about a floral gift that’s three in one… a crocheted lily of the valley nightlight in a pot! It’s eye-catching, unique and full of character, making it a great gift for your big day.

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Sophia Shafiee
Sophia is a passionate writer and editor and expert on all things wedding content related, with a First Class degree from the University of Oxford. She frequently shares her wedding advice and tips with leading UK publications on behalf of Bridebook.com, including Harper’s Bazaar, SheerLuxe and Porter Magazine.
Last updated: 15th Apr 2024