How to Propose on Christmas Day

Sophia Shafiee
Last updated: 26th Oct 2023

With lights adorning the tree, flames gently crackling in the fireplace and the smell of cinnamon and sweet treats in the air, Christmas is without doubt a magical time of year. It’s also a time for generosity and giving, which is why so many people propose to their partners on Christmas Day.

But, how should you propose on Christmas Day to make sure it’s as romantic, intimate and memorable as possible? What do you need to think about to make sure your festive proposal is as perfect as it can be?

In this post, we’ll share all the tips and considerations to think about for a Christmas Day proposal, including everything you need to prepare and what you should do on the day so it all goes to plan and you get the best gift of all this Christmas – a fiance!

Why is Christmas Day a great day for a proposal?

Photo © Andi Watson Photography | See their Bridebook profile

In the UK, Christmas Day is by far the most popular day to get engaged. Our UK Wedding Report uncovered that a quarter (26%) of couples get engaged in December, and out of all the couples who married in 2022, the top four most popular dates they got engaged was Christmas Day.

Christmas has the romance and magic of Valentine’s Day but with less cliché. It’s a time when kindness and generosity are everywhere, and people spend a lot of time with their loved ones. Christmas also has a lot of emotional significance and traditions surrounding it, which a proposal can heighten to a whole new level.

If you love the festive season and want to create lasting memories that make it an even more special and magical time of year, a Christmas Day proposal is a wonderful way to ask your partner to spend the rest of your lives together.

Do you need to plan a Christmas Day proposal?

Photo © Paige Anderson | See their Bridebook profile

Yes, just like with any proposal, you should take time to plan your Christmas Day proposal to make sure it’s extra special. Of course, you might want to be impulsive and make the call about how and when you’ll do it on the day itself, but that comes with more risk.

Think about your partner’s preferences and what they might appreciate. Because you’ve chosen to do a Christmas proposal, you should consider taking advantage of this special day to make it extra memorable, so try to incorporate Christmas additions into your plans. If your proposal would go down in exactly the same way if you did it on any other day, then why do it on Christmas? Use the festivities to your advantage to make it memorable and magical.

What to think about before proposing on Christmas Day

Photo © Radoslaw Rachwal Photography | See their Bridebook profile

As highlighted above, Christmas is already a time of year that many people love for a variety of reasons. When planning your Christmas Day proposal, think about the following points to ensure everything goes down even better than you’d hope for:

  • Have you picked the perfect ring or engagement ring alternative if your partner isn’t into jewellery or wearing rings?
  • Would your partner appreciate a Christmas Day proposal and be happy to share this incredible moment in their life with a day that’s already so special?
  • What will be the best time of day for your proposal? Will a morning proposal work before you see wider family, or sometime in the evening when it gets all cosy and warm?
  • Do you want to involve family and friends in your proposal or do you want to keep things intimate between the two of you?
  • Christmas can be a stressful time of year, so make sure your plans include downtime before you ask the question so you and your partner can savour the moment.
  • Don’t rely too heavily on the weather as part of your proposal plans. As incredible as it would be to propose on a snowy hilltop, the unpredictable weather in the UK means there might be rain or heavy winds instead. Have a backup plan in case the weather doesn’t play ball.

How to propose on Christmas Day: a step-by-step guide

Photo © Weir Photography | See their Bridebook profile

As we’ve already covered, Christmas Day is a wonderful time to propose to your other half. But, to make sure everything goes as expected, it’s important to put a plan together. You don’t need to write things down, create a spreadsheet or sketch out a map – but you should make sure you’re on top of everything so nothing’s overlooked or forgotten.

Below are 10 steps to follow so you can have the most incredible Christmas Day engagement.

Step 1: Plan ahead

Start your Christmas Day proposal prep in plenty of time. If you decide just a few days ahead of Christmas that you want to ask your partner to marry you on Christmas morning, you might not have time to sort everything out. If possible, start to get things ready in early December, or even November if possible, just to account for any hiccups along the way.

If you’re the traditional type, you might also want to speak to your partner’s parents before you pop the question. Asking permission is an old tradition now, but one that many parents still appreciate nevertheless. You more than likely won’t get any type of resistance, but the gesture will go a long way towards solidifying your relationship with your future in-laws.

Step 2: Choose what you’re going to propose with

If you and your partner have talked about what they’d want from a proposal, they probably also told you about what they want from a ring (or even if they want a ring at all). If they want a ring, make sure you try to find out their ring size before you head to the jewellers.

Step 3: Try to keep it a surprise

You may well have had countless discussions with your partner about getting engaged, so they may have an idea about what’s to come. This will be especially true if you’ve specifically talked about getting engaged at Christmas. But, do what you can to keep everything as close to your chest as possible so your proposal can be a big, welcome surprise.

Step 4: Decide the right time to propose

Christmas is a busy time, so it’s important to nail down when you think the right time to propose would be. If you do it in the morning, you’ll then have the whole of Christmas Day as an engaged couple. If you do it at night, it’ll be cosy and romantic. You also need to think about whether or not you want a public or private proposal, and if you want friends or family to be there the moment you get down on one knee.

Step 5: Think about the location

You know your partner best; where do you think they’d love for you to pop the question? At home as you’re opening presents from beneath the tree? At the dinner table before you tuck into your delicious Christmas lunch? Or might it be outside on a wintry walk, or at a family member’s house? Because a lot of places are closed on Christmas Day you won’t have quite as much choice as the rest of the year, but try to choose somewhere that has plenty of festive charm and an emotional connection.

Step 6: Make it extra Christmassy

One of the best things about getting engaged at Christmas is how fabulous and magical everything looks, from our carefully decorated trees at home to towns and cities awash with lights and colour. Make sure you use the beauty and fun of Christmas so your proposal stands out.

For a little inspiration, read our post featuring 12 Christmas Day proposal ideas.

Step 7: Make things personal

You don’t want an ‘off-the-shelf’ idea when it comes to proposing. Use what you know about your soon-to-be fiance, such as what they love and want from a proposal, and use as much as you can to personalise how you ask them. For example, if they love to crochet, why not present the ring in a small, crocheted Christmas stocking? Or include your pet in the proposal by looping the ring around its collar?

Think about what you’re going to say and how you’re going to say it. You might want to write down a few things you want to say and commit them to memory. Or, you could just say whatever feels right in at the moment. Whatever you do, make sure it’s personal, from the heart and true to yourself.

Step 8: Have a backup plan

As much as you’ve meticulously planned your Christmas Day proposal, there’s always the chance that something gets in the way. If that happens, make sure you have a plan B in place so you can still have your Christmas engagement. This is doubly important if you plan on proposing outside!

Step 9: Capture the moment

When the time comes for you to ask the biggest question you might ever ask someone, make sure you capture the moment so you can share it with your friends and family. Thankfully, smartphones have great cameras and microphones, so all it takes is for you to prop it somewhere discreet, hit record, and then wait for exactly the right moment to get down on one knee.

If you’re proposing in public or surrounded by loved ones, you could ask someone to record the moment or take pictures, which makes for a fantastic way to look back on your big moment.

Step 10: Share the news

One of the great things about getting engaged at Christmas is there’s a good chance that you’ve already organised to spend time with family and friends, so you have a ready-made opportunity to tell them your amazing news.

For some inspiration, read our post featuring 20 ideas for announcing your engagement.

10 tips for proposing on Christmas Day

Photo © Paul Swift Photography | See their Bridebook profile

We’ve already covered how amazing it can be to get engaged at Christmas. If you’re planning to pop the question this festive season, below are 10 tips to consider so your engagement is magical and memorable.

  1. Make sure you’re confident that your partner is happy to share their engagement day with something as widely celebrated as Christmas.
  2. Consider a private, personal and intimate proposal to make it extra special and romantic.
  3. Use the natural beauty of Christmas time to your advantage.
  4. Include Christmas in your proposal somehow, such as by asking carollers to sing your partner’s favourite Christmas carol as you pop the question.
  5. Don’t pin all your hopes on the weather behaving itself. The last time the UK had a widespread white Christmas was in 2010, so the chances of waking up to a blanket of snow are small.
  6. Don’t propose at Christmas just because. Make sure it’s something both you and your partner want to happen.
  7. Plan, plan, plan.
  8. Plan a plan B.
  9. Set your phone to record, ask a friend or family member to take photos, or even hire an official photographer to capture the moment (although this might be rather expensive, especially on Christmas Day).
  10. Enjoy the Christmas period and bask in the feeling of having a fiance! Soon, you’ll be so deep in wedding planning that your engagement will feel like a distant memory.

Get started on your wedding planning with Bridebook

After you get your YES on Christmas Day and you’ve shared the news with your loved ones, when January arrives you’ll probably want to start planning your big day. Sign up to Bridebook and get access to everything you could need to plan your perfect wedding.

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Happy Planning!

Sophia Shafiee
Sophia is a passionate writer and editor and expert on all things wedding content related, with a First Class degree from the University of Oxford. She frequently shares her wedding advice and tips with leading UK publications on behalf of, including Harper’s Bazaar, SheerLuxe and Porter Magazine.
Last updated: 26th Oct 2023