Picture your event in a unique space that transcends the traditional concept of indoors and outdoors. Our central courtyard offers the flexibility to plan the wedding of your dreams.
An abundance of natural light provides a lively yet gentle environment in which to celebrate. Our professional and experienced staff is committed to your every need before, during and after. We know how to turn your vision into a reality. You dictate, we facilitate. The sky’s the limit.
With over 150 years ‘experience the Royal Hotel has developed into a very popular wedding
destination in the Western Cape. The tranquil and picturesque setting of Riebeek Kasteel as
well as its proximity to Cape Town makes the town a hidden gem that more and more
couples choose to be their unique choice of wedding destination.
The Royal Hotel, with daily wedding inquiries caters for the middle to higher section of the
market while our prices remain affordable. We offer the perfect setting for those who truly
want a special day as well as for endless photographic opportunities, both indoors and
outdoors. Due to its history, grandeur and decoration, there is little required to make this
setting unique.