Sally Wood has photographed weddings professionally for over 19 years, many of them at the most popular venues in the surrounding area. Venues such as Moxhull Hall Hotel, New Hall Hotel, Moor Hall Hotel, Swinfen Hall Hotel & The Fairlawns Hotel as well as many other locations . This has given Sally extensive experience of photographing at these venues which has earned her the honour of being one of their preferred photographers. Over the years Sally has created her own unique style, her aim to capture your day as it unfolds, with beautiful photographs, lots of fun and laughter. She exclusively photographs every wedding personally with the option of a second photographer. Every year the diary fills with clients , many of them recommended by previous contented couples. Having being trained by arguably one of the best studios in the Midlands Sally, over the years, has gained the knowledge of photographing in all kinds of weather and lighting conditions, and with a vast range of different personalities and tastes. You only have to look at her on line blogs and glowing recommendations from previous customers to know she is passionate about her craft and has hundreds of very happy Brides, Grooms and their families. From the initial meeting to the Pre Wedding Consultation , Sally will record everything you require on your very special day. You may choose to own all the high resolution images on a USB memory stick or display them in one her beautiful albums, Sally caters for everyones needs with many different packages to choose from at competitive prices. Discounts are also available for out of season and midweek weddings . Sally is a recognised member of the BIPP (British Institute of Professional Photographers) and the MPA (Master Photographers Association) Check out the website and keep up to date with Sally on her Facebook page
We look forward to hearing from you very soon.