How about me and you?
Me in a few words: quirky, Belgian-born, over-sharer, hugger, food-lover, Beatles fan, film freak, kitchen dancer, shower singer, over-thinker, long text-er, yin-yang embracer, and forever learning, making mistakes, and learning again. One thing I have learnt for sure though in the last 44 years is that I am at my happiest when I make meaningful connections with people around me, when I learn about them, and what their story can teach me.
You in a few more words: You are just as fussed about the process as you are about the outcome. Of anything. More bothered about relationships, than things. You are kind, trusting and life-embracing. You care more about how your images make you feel, how the whole experience of being photographed makes you feel: celebrated, relaxed, safe.
Me and You in a few words: we connect, we understand that good collaborations happen when there is a good rapport, and a good rapport happens when we let go. We can let go. You can be you. I can be me. The whole of you: happy, sad, calm, anxious.
So whether I photograph your wedding or your family, we don't just make keepsakes together. We create a meaningful experience. Together.
I guess I just no longer want "things" on their own anymore. Without a story, without meaning, without humanity. And I am guessing that if you want to work with me, you want those things too?