Wedding Florists in Bath


Do wedding florists in Bath have a portfolio of past wedding work that we can view?

Yes, most wedding florists in Bath have a portfolio of past wedding work that they can show to potential clients. This portfolio can include photos of bridal bouquets, ceremony arrangements, centerpieces, and other floral decor that the florist has created for previous weddings.

Can wedding florists in Bath assist us in choosing the perfect flowers to match our wedding theme and color scheme?

Absolutely! Wedding florists in Bath are trained to work within a variety of budgets and can help you create custom floral designs that fit your wedding theme and colour scheme. They can also offer suggestions on flower varieties that are in season and more cost-effective.

How many weddings do wedding florists in Bath typically book in one weekend?

The number of weddings that wedding florists in Bath typically book in one weekend can vary, depending on the florist's availability and size of the team. However, most florists will limit the number of weddings they take on each weekend to ensure they can provide quality service to each couple.

What is wedding florists in Bath cancellation policy if something were to happen and we need to cancel or reschedule our wedding?

The cancellation policy for wedding florists in Bath can vary, so it's essential to discuss this with the florist you choose. Some florists may require a non-refundable deposit to secure the booking, while others may offer a refund or rescheduling option in the case of an emergency.

How do wedding florists in Bath handle any last-minute changes or unexpected issues that may arise on the day of our wedding?

Wedding florists in Bath are usually well-prepared to handle any last-minute changes or unexpected issues that may arise on the day of your wedding. They will typically have a backup plan in place and work closely with you or your wedding planner to ensure everything runs smoothly.

What is the best way to get in contact with a wedding florist in Bath?

The best way to get in contact with a wedding florist in Bath is to do some research online and find a florist whose style matches the vision you have for your wedding. Look for their website and social media profiles to get an idea of their portfolio and services. Once you have found a few florists you are interested in, you can reach out to them via email or phone to inquire about their availability, services, and pricing. It's important to provide as much information as possible about your wedding, such as the date, location, and your vision for the floral arrangements. Some florists may also offer consultations, where you can meet with them in person to discuss your ideas and see their work in person. Overall, the key is to do your research and reach out to the florist that best fits your needs and style.