You’re engaged! Now what?

Hamish Shephard
Last updated: 30th May 2022

Your partner popped the question. Hooray! Now what?  Tiffany Wright, Proposal Planner extraordinaire and founder of The One Romance, begins the wedding planning journey by creating unique and tailored proposals that no one could ever say no to! Engagement do’s and don’ts start the moment you say yes, and Tiffany’s advice will get you on track to planning the wedding of your dreams. by one romance photo montage


Visit Your Parents

After all they have done for you over the years, you owe it to your folks to give them the honour of hearing the news first. And make sure there’s a bottle of champers on ice as they’ll no doubt be eager to kick start the celebrations!

Tell Your Friends

Before taking to social media to announce your engagement to the world and his wife, make sure your nearest and dearest receive a phone call and hear the news from you personally first.

Get Insured

After contacting your loved ones, this is the most important phone call you can make. Insuring an engagement ring is not as expensive as you might think and it is priceless should the absolute worst happen.

Get A Mani

All eyes will be on your finger and its brand-new bling, so ensure it is looking its level best by investing in a little pampering session! ring hand holding


Don’t feel bamboozled!

Planning a wedding can cause hot sweats. There’s not doubt about it. But you don’t have to feel intimidated by all of the wedding planning – especially when you have Bridebook to help you find everything you need in a simple and easy way -from Guestlists and budgets to venues…they’ve got your sorted.

Capture The Moment

When you do decide to make your engagement public, share a snap that captures the moment and tells your story. As much as your friends want to see your brand-new sparkler, they also want to hear how he proposed (and preferably with no details spared!).


Last but by no means least, celebrate! This is such a pivotal moment in your life and one that only comes round the once, so don’t let it pass you by. Take the opportunity to raise a glass (or three!) surrounded by all those that you and your fiancé hold most dear.

Start planning THEIR surprise

If your now-fiancée has just planned a spectacular proposal for you, then why not start thinking about something fabulous you can do for them on your wedding day? The One Romance are the UK’s only Romance Planners and they specialise in planning unique and romantic surprises for couple that will leave your other half speechless. Anything is possible.

About Tiffany Wright smelling flowers

Tiffany is Founder and Director of UK and Europe’s first Romance Planning company ‘The One Romance’ where she helps plan all sorts of romantic experiences – from marriage proposals and dates to wedding anniversaries. The One Romance has won numerous awards (including the prestigious Jacqueline Gold ‘Women in Industry’ award) and have gathered a strong celebrity following. It is fast becoming the ‘go to’ company for anything romantic.

Tiffany is a regular on the TV/Media circuit offering advice on all things “romance”.  She has her own TV show on Sky planning marriage proposals and has regularly written for magazines and national newspapers.



Happy Planning!



Hamish Shephard
Hamish Shephard is the founder and CEO of Bridebook, the UK’s leading wedding planning app. He is now considered an expert in the wedding industry, having appeared on BBC news multiple times to provide his expertise and having his own Evening Standard column, Groom With a View, where he shares his insights as one of the UK’s most prominent wedding experts.
Last updated: 30th May 2022