Our U-Tiny Host Team has every confident to arrange your special occasions dining for Group party or Individual Romantic Dining with the long remembrance and unforgettable.
BBQ Special Party from 15-80 person in the courtyard garden to make your time in getting together for more acquainted and relaxation.
Romantic BBQ Garden Dinner for 2, it is not luxurious, but so impression and memorizing.
Contact us today for more information.
Thai food is very popular with unique tasting of herbs and many special ingredients and how to cook is very simple and easy in home style way at U-Tiny Cuisine.
We have set of Thai Cooking Class only 1,500 Baht per person per class and you can learn 3 dished of menus with including 2 sets of main course and 1 of Thai Dessert.
For your uniquely experience, we will take you strolling in our herbs garden to relax and enjoy to see and to learn about our Thai herbs which is the vital ingredient for all Thai Food. You can have it by you own ingredient for your class and your home made food !!!
Our U-Tiny Host team will be more than happy to serve and explain to your with personally touching to ensure that you will not have only Thai Food but you will impress with our Thai Touch.
The class is normally serve in 2 options from 11.00-13.00 pmand 14.00-16.00 pm.
Tasting Home Made Breakfast 07.00-10.00, Lunch and Diner until 10.00 pm after that we will provide only cold dishes and some soup menus.
Thai and International Food
Seating Indoor with / without air condition 20 seats
Seating Outdoor on the deck pool 10 seats
Seating Outdoor in the garden 30 seats
Cocktail or Private Party in the garden 10 to 80 persons